Weekly-Nuts, Monthly-Nuts, Monkey-Nuts. I'm nuts, you're nuts!! |
Anyway, we'll move on...
As mentioned in my last post, my main leak has been allowing results-orientated thinking to seep too easily into my game. Backing off or ducking out of tricky spots while ahead in a session (where I feel I would need to put in large amounts into the pot) has been the main cause for concern. I locked up winning sessions - and effectively hit and run - after just an hour and a half in my first three sessions! Consequently, with just 16 hours clocked up in the first week, this is really not enough time that a "proper" low-stakes pro should put into the £1/£2 live cash-game. Still, although the first week has thrown up these little things to work on, it's a ridiculously small sample size to get worked up over things like profits or falling short on hours played per week. We'll start to get a clearer picture of how the business is going after the first two or three months; until then, of course, it's about upping those hours, sticking to my A-game and not being results-orientated.
Closely linked to hours are the days that I've spent playing and with six days played out of the seven, I can't really complain about not getting off my arse to play.
With five jogging sessions completed out of seven days this past week, the exercise regime has been going great and because music is a must for me while jogging, this is thanks largely to the purchase of this set of sport-headphones:
Bose ® SIE2i Sport Headphones |
Every set of in-ear headphones that I've bought this far has caused discomfort. These on the other hand sit very comfortably, are irritation-free and pack a pretty good wallop in the sound department. Couple this with their sweat-resistant and weather-resistant capability and you've got a pair of sport-headphones that I'd recommend to anyone. I've even increased my jogging distance from 2.75km to 3km and will probably increase that further still.
The diet has been a bit of a mixed bag. I remain alcohol-free and have drastically decreased the intake of red meat. I continue to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. My weakness though is that after exercising discipline at the poker table for hours on end, I tend to reward myself with a bag of crisps or a sugary snack. I also snack on biscuits and cheese too often so this will be something I'll need to sort out.
Studying is vital in poker and this is something I should do more of. In the first week I watched and made notes on three Bart Hansen videos while devoting myself to just two hours of reading. Presently, I'm mainly aiming to go through one or two hands a day from this poker book:
My studying time really needs to increase.
And that's it. With the parents arriving today for a visit until Wednesday, this may mean I might have to knock poker on the head for a couple of days. Still, regardless of what happens, I'll keep you posted as to how I'm getting in a Week 2 round-up next week - particularly when it comes to getting those hours in.
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